Welcome to my blog! This blog will be for the purpose of documenting my personal feelings and insights as I study and ponder the scriptures and anything else I feel that will be insightful and uplifting. Please feel free to read what I've posted and comment on what you've read. Please note that anything negative or insensative will be deleted. Thank you.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Tree of Life: Mist of Darkness

I've finally reached the last section of this chapter.

1 Nephi 8

vs. 23 - Mist of Darkness

At first this section was hard for me to study, I didn't know exactly where to start but after much contemplation the thoughts started to flow.

The mist of darkness is a representation of temptation. The devil is sneaky and will try to lead you away with temptations. We need to resist and not get side-tracked.

- 3 Nephi 18:18

Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley gave some good advice, " You must keep control of your desires. For you there is no future in any course . . . Nonetheless, yielding to temptation can become like a wound that seems never to heal and always to leave an ugly scar." (2004 April conference, Stay on the High Road)

Keeping control of our desires is key. By keeping yourself in check you are warding off the temptation to sin. No one wants to sin.

"One of the great myths of life is when men think they are invincible. Too many think that they are men of steel, strong enough to withstand any temptation." - Pres. James E. Faust (2002 April conference, It Can't Happen to Me)

- Luke 8:13
- James 1:12

Elder W. Craig Zwick said this, "It requires courage to make good choices, even when other around us choose differently. As we make righteous choices day by day in little things, the Lord will strengthen us and help us choose the right during more difficult times." (2008 April conference, We Will Not Yield, We Cannot Yield)

It can be hard to be conscience of the choice you make, but it can also be rewarding. If your true desire is to not sin, then you will be blessed. The Lord wants us to come to him when the choices are hard. Find your knees and plead for his help. He wants us to.

- D&C 10:5

"We get side tracked by submitting to temptations that divert us past the bounds of safety. Satan knows our weaknesses. He puts attractive snares on our path at just those moments when we are most vulnerable." - Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin (1990 Oct conference, The Straight and Narrow Way)

I know that I have been tempted at times to sway in the other direction, but when I do I go to the Lord and ask him to help me. I don't want to be walking through the mist of darkness alone because I can't always see what is out there. Stay conscience of your surroundings and steer clear of the things that will trip you up and bring you down to Satan's level. As Pres. Hinckley said we to say on the high road.

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